Pat’s nominators said:
“Pat has been with the foundation since 1999! She came with her wealth of excellent customer service experience and being a pituitary patient and made the foundation what is it today. She has given her time, energy and care to making the foundation function for as the head of patient support services. Her attention to detail and enthusiasm has stayed the same throughout her journey here. She is known to many, in the field of Endocrinology, volunteers, patients and corporate companies. She has dedicated her life and work to providing the best possible service to pituitary patients and their families.
Pat never stops giving her time to the groups around the country, along with being on the helpline & running the Liverpool pit pat group
Pat, is such a fantastic help, talking to newly diagnosed pituitary tumour. the info she provides is fantastic, to put people at so much ease & a brilliant knowledgeable.”

This is what Pat told us:
What’s your story? Why did you start doing what you’re doing, how long have you been doing it?
My symptoms began in 1985; periods stopped, I had an insatiable thirst and awful headaches. Saw GP, I was checked for diabetes, and I was diagnosed with migraine. I struggled through many months, drinking and weeing excessive amounts day and night, and the headaches had become excruciating.
Finally, my diagnosis, and thanks to my surgeon, Mr Foy, abscess removed, headaches resolved. My family went through such a lot too – my daughter was only seven years old at the time.
Why you got involved?
In 1995, when I first heard that this charity had been launched, I spoke to Sue Thorn, one of our Founders. I soon became a volunteer and started Liverpool Support Group in 1996. The support and information we gained was so needed, as there was nothing like this before. For our charity to have continued providing the support and information we do for 30 years is just incredible

What would you like to see happen in The Pituitary Foundation for next 30 years?
I have panhypopituitarism, and try to make the most of every day (some days of course can be hard), but one small thing to look forward to can be everything. I have met so many lovely people throughout my time with The Foundation; you are brave, empowering, definitely heroes, and for me it’s been a privilege to walk our pituitary journey together. Thank you