Sue’s nominator said:
“Always so supportive of the charity whether that’s speaking at events, volunteering her time or writing articles for Pituitary Life. Sue has done masses for The Pituitary Foundation over the years and is a true hero in every sense of the word.”
This is what Sue told us:
- What’s your story? Why did you start doing what you’re doing, how long have you been doing it?
I was introduced to the Pituitary Foundation by one of my PhD supervisors when I was studying at the University of the West of England 20 years ago. I worked on the first needs analysis study as part of my professional development as a psychologist.
- Why you got involved?
Our initial research showed that we’d barely scratched the surface in terms of understanding how people are affected by pituitary conditions. Trying to understand and support patients through research and the development of psychoeducational materials has become something of a passion – it feels like I’m doing something useful.
- What would you like to see happen in The Pituitary Foundation for next 30 years?
I’d like it to be easier for people to get to the Foundation with better signposting from the NHS. I’d like to see the psychoeducation materials expand and for the Foundation to introduce some training for healthcare professionals so that they feel more confident in supporting patients with the psychological aspects of life with a pituitary condition.