Pituitary Conditions
Symptoms, Diagnosis & Treatment
Living with a Pituitary Condition
Healthcare Professionals
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Supporting the pituitary community together
As many as 1 in 1,000 people in the UK are living with a pituitary condition. Every year, awareness and understanding of these life-changing disorders grows – yet misdiagnosis and delayed diagnosis remains a challenge. We strive to support the clinical teams in caring for the pituitary community in the best way we can. From general practitioners dealing with the initial onset of symptoms to A&E staff responding to adrenal crises and expert endocrinology teams giving ongoing specialist treatment, we’re on hand at every step of the journey. Because together we can support patients better.

As a pharmacist you are on the front line of healthcare and may come into contact with a pituitary patient who is dependent on hydrocortisone (HC). Hospital pharmacists might also be involved in hydrocortisone prescribing, for a patient on a ward or a newly diagnosed patient through the Endocrinology Department.