Emergency Information

Emergency Info for AI and AVP-D (DI)
In case of emergency you should call 999. This page outlines the sick day rules and other emergency information for both Adrenal Insufficiency and AVP Deficiency (Diabetes Insipidus).

Symptoms, Diagnosis and Tests

Advice on getting a pituitary diagnosis
As pituitary conditions are considered rare; your GP may not have come across another person impacted by a pituitary condition. They may investigate more common conditions before considering pituitary. The suggestions given below could be helpful for you when approaching your GP.
AVP Deficiency (diabetes insipidus) diagnosis
AVP Deficiency, also known as Diabetes insipidus (DI) is caused by a problem with either the production, or action, of the hormone vasopressin (AVP). If you have AVP Deficiency your kidneys are unable to retain water.
AVP Deficiency Symptoms
AVP Deficiency, also known as Diabetes insipidus (DI) is caused by a problem with either the production, or action, of the hormone vasopressin (AVP). If you have AVP Deficiency your kidneys are unable to retain water.
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AVP Deficiency Treatment
AVP deficiency, previously known as diabetes insipidus (DI) is caused by a problem with either the production, or action, of the hormone vasopressin (AVP). If you have AVP deficiency your kidneys are unable to retain water.
Hormone Replacement Medication Interactions
Patients with pituitary disease often require treatment with several pituitary hormones. Interactions between these hormones can occur frequently. Here, we review interactions between growth hormone (GH), thyroxine, corticosteroids, and male and female sex hormone replacement.
Hormone Therapy
If your pituitary gland isn't functioning properly, you may not produce hormones that are essential for your wellbeing and vital bodily functions. You may need to take hormone replacements which will be prescribed to you by your doctor.
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