In the UK, Volunteers’ Week runs every year during the first week of June. It is an annual celebration highlighting the contribution volunteers make.
It is a great opportunity for us to say an extra special thank you to our own volunteers and to let our members know a bit more about our brilliant volunteer team. The Foundation would never have achieved as much as we have done without our volunteers’ help, they are such an important part of our organisation.
What do they do?
- Our team of Helpline Operators provide support and information on our Patient Helpline Monday-Friday. Some do regular shifts and some provide cover when needed.
- Telephone Buddies give one-to-one peer and emotional support to those who have a similar condition to them or are in a similar situation.
- Our network of Local Support Groups continue to provide face-to-face support and information to patients, carers, and families across the UK and ROI. The team of Area Coordinators work so hard in organising meetings, sending emails, responding to enquiries, arranging speakers and schedules.
- Office Volunteers help us with a variety of tasks here in our Bristol National Support Office, ranging from thank you letters, sending orders, financial work, to analysing call statistics from our Helplines.
- Fundraising Group Leaders & Ambassadors raise money for us by organising events themselves, joining us at events we organise or simply encouraging their friends/family to get involved.
- Forum Moderators keep an eye on activities and topics coming up on our forum.
- Campaigners and Ambassadors raise awareness in their local communities and also attend events on our behalf to run stands or give presentations.
- Health care professionals on our Medical Committee participate in conversations when queries arise and are a vital support to our Patient Services team.
- And not forgetting our wonderful Board of Trustees, who provide governance and strategic planning for The Foundation.
Staff and volunteers are working together towards one aim – our volunteers’ knowledge and expertise are vital in helping us to improve the lives of pituitary patients.

Here is a short message from our CEO, Menai Owen-Jones, to our volunteers:
Why do they volunteer?
The current top two reasons given by our volunteers for their volunteering contributions are that:
- “I find it rewarding and satisfying to know I am helping others”
- “I have benefitted from The Pituitary Foundation services myself and therefore enjoy giving something back”
We are delighted to report that in our latest volunteer satisfaction survey, 92% of our volunteers rated their experience as excellent or good. We support, engage, and encourage our volunteers; doing our best to ensure volunteers know how highly valued they are.
“I love everything about being a volunteer! It makes being a pituitary patient easier knowing I have other people to talk to, and other people to try and help too!”
A huge thank you to our volunteers for their outstanding commitment, from all the staff at The Pituitary Foundation. The support they provide to patients, the awareness they raise and the contribution they make to our charity and the pituitary community is invaluable.